Please join us for worship on Sundays at 9 am
Sunday School option for children during the worship service (school year only)
225 3rd Ave, Collins, IA 50055

“For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies; Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.”

Whether you are new to the Collins area or have been in the community for years, we would love to have you gather with us on Sundays to offer our thanks and praise to God. Our worship service is traditional with hymns, prayers, Scripture readings, and a sermon. The 2nd Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday. We are not a large congregation, so we’ll get to know your name pretty quickly and before long, we hope that Collins UMC will feel like family to you!

Our Ministry Team

Rev. Amanda Gordon

Rev. Amanda Gordon


Rev. Nikki Ross Bishop

Rev. Nikki Ross Bishop


Stacie Hostetler

Stacie Hostetler


Our pastors also serve Ames First UMC and Colo UMC. You can reach them via email or by
calling the Ames First UMC office at 515-232-2750.